Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lawyers have technology? No sir. Really?

My major is Criminal Justice and I want to become a lawyer. As you may know lawyers deffend people in court. However, all their clients and cases have to get filed somewhere. A lot of firms now try to use computers to file all their cases into a database. But some law firms use the old system of the file cabinet. I guess it depends on what the people think are easier for them. My brothers' friend is a corporate lawyer and his law firm uses both systems. They use a computer database and they have a file cabinet that is updated with the lastest cases and clients. When I asked him why he uses both systems he answered, "We use the computers because they're faster to bring up. But we have the file cabinet just incase god forbid anything happens to our coputers. We at least have the file cabinet as a back up."

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