Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lawyers have technology? No sir. Really?

My major is Criminal Justice and I want to become a lawyer. As you may know lawyers deffend people in court. However, all their clients and cases have to get filed somewhere. A lot of firms now try to use computers to file all their cases into a database. But some law firms use the old system of the file cabinet. I guess it depends on what the people think are easier for them. My brothers' friend is a corporate lawyer and his law firm uses both systems. They use a computer database and they have a file cabinet that is updated with the lastest cases and clients. When I asked him why he uses both systems he answered, "We use the computers because they're faster to bring up. But we have the file cabinet just incase god forbid anything happens to our coputers. We at least have the file cabinet as a back up."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

iPhone from Verizon? Since when?

This here is the new iPhone from Verizon Wireless that will becoming out soon this year! yay! I went to the Verizon Wireless website and found it's new features:

Thinner! With shiny glass back piece - 9.3 mm thick.
Face Recognition Security 
Face Time (Video Chat) access on 3G AND 4G (available currently but only on 3G)
Custom SMS tones
Custom E-mail alerts with ability to assign different tones to each email address
A new, sleeker body design.
OLED screen.
Scratch proof and shatter proof screen
Wireless sync with iTunes
32G (basic) and 64G of memory. You're sure to never run out.
Extended battery life = 14 hours talk time on 3G and 7 hours on 4G. Standby 600 hours.
Hi Definition audio.
Messaging indicator light.
True GPS built in.
Everyone is happy because now they can stay with their carrier and still get an's AWSOME! A lot of the carriers are starting to adopt the iPhone into their family. I believe T-mobile already has one or is working on one and so does AT&T. It's a good idea, customers stay happy, and more money for them. It's a win-win situation.

Movie:Easy A

So I watched the movie Easy A, and I have to say that movie was a good movie. However, it did also reminded me that high school really is that way. The movie is about a girl who tells her friend something so she'd stop bothering her but then it gets around the whole school. Then guys hear that she did a favor for a friend and begin to ask her for favors and all those rumors get around the school. The whole school begins to make fun of her and even protest that she gets kicked out of school. But then she does a webcast to the whole school to set the record straight.
The reason why I am writing about this because when I saw this movie it reminded me of all the bullying cases that we've had. If people are lying about things they've done so that they seem cool and then they get made fun of for it ok? And why is it that high school hasn't changed? I visited my high school about two weeks ago and it seems that all the kids are immature and think bullying is funny. It's not.

Tech, Tech, Tech...and more Technology!

This is a radar gun that all police carry. State police and local police departments all carry them. The radar gun is used to detect how fast a car is going. Police use it so that they can keep everyone safe. For example, if the speed limit is 55 miles per hour and you are going 92 miles per hour the radar gun will detect it and display it to the officer. Now, by you going that fast you can be a danger to people, because if someone in front of you hits their brakes and yo hit them going that fast you can cause serious damage.

More Tech stuff

This is a taser gun. The police departments carry these just incase a situation gets out of hand they can use it. A  taser gun has about 50,000 volts of electricity in it.  What the taser does is it electrically shocks someone so that they pass-out, become temporarily paralyzed or so that it just causes them to not be able to hurt you. Many states won't just let anyone get a taser gun. In Massachusetts only police officers have them. In Rhode Island however, the bar tenders have them so that if anything gets way out of hand and the bouncers at clubs are usually allowed to carry them.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Techy Stuff

This is a computer in a police car. It is called a Glacier Computer. It corresponds with the fire department and ambulance. This computer allows a police officer to prettty much look up anything. For example; stolen cars, warrant for an arrest, missing people, etc.